Thursday, November 1, 2018

Why you need to know about Astrology Signs Nodes

Western astrology zodiac signs are known to be a culture now with so many people believing in the divination. 

The thing that people don't understand about astrology is that it isn’t as general as it may see. Astrology signs exist, but so do nodes.  There are south and north nodes which we will be going over both subjects in this article and those will define specific meanings that they mean. If your astrological sign is at a certain degree, which relates to a certain node, by reading this, you will be very educated on understanding them all. We each have a different sign and it is all for a reason. 

How it is easier to define Western Astrology Signs

Almost all astrology signs  in the zodiac are known to have a significant meaning. There ere many branches of astrology, but specifically, Western astrology is something that we are most familiar with. It is the study of the 12 zodiac signs and it ranges from a general to and advanced understanding. 

What are the South and North Astro Node? 

In astrology, the  South Node speaks to past conditioning and an abundance of karma in the signs and house. It is our spirit pattern. This is often refered to as past life karma that also plays out in early adolescence and turns into our behaviorial pattern. It speaks to the natural and familiar - familiar territory, familiar way of operating, and our natural talents. The sign and house of the south hub portrays that which speaks to security, habit, intuition and where we tend to lay on our laurels. The south hub is we discover ease, solace, safety and familiarity. It indicates the talents, aptitudes, and abilities that we were conceived with and also incorporates the baggage of exccessive habits and inclinations we bring into this life. It can manifest as habitual behavior carried out in the area of life spoken to by the house. 

Quick Tip: There are a total of 12 signs in astrology and these signs are known to range from the youngest sign of the zodiac ( Aries zodiac sign) and the signs go to the 12th sign which is Pisces, the oldest of all of the 12 zodiac signs. 

The North Node in astrology directly speaks to what we are endeavoring toward and what we have to create with the end goal to develop in this lifetime. It is our spirit potential waiting to be tapped. It requires an ability to take dangers, to move into uncharted territory, and to defeat the fear of the obscure with the end goal to obtain our maximum capacity. The sign and house of the north hub speak to where we have to the most work for our evolutionary development, and what vitality we have to develop.The north hub feels uncertain and in some cases scary. It takes courage to wander into unchartered territory, face the obscure and create energies that are unfamiliar. However the north hub offers a feeling of soul satisfaction. 

Each of the 12 astrology signs are known to have their specific characteristics, so does that mean they are defined by the nodes? Read further to get a better understanding. 

Western Astrology trusts you can never do excessively of your North Node. That you have to quit doing the enthusiastic, ingrained habits of the South Node with the end goal to embrace the North Node. 
Planets of astrology that are semi-sextile the North Node and quincunx the South Node: planetary energies that require a psychological adjustement to make peace with the past.
Planets conjunct the South Node: additional talents and baggage you've created in abundance; planetary karma you came in with an overabundance of; planetary vitality that feels comfortable, safe and familiar.So if your astrology sign is randomly here, then it can indicate why you may be feeling the above
Conjunct the North Node: additional underveloped energies and talents to create; planetary karma that keeps appearing on your path; planetary vitality that need to build up a solace level with; planetary vitality that causes you embrace what's to come 

Quick Tip: All you need to find your astrology sign is your birth month and day! 

Although nodes may be somewhat more advanced to study when you are trying to learn more about astrology signs of the zodiac, this is a great place to get a general outline idea of what they really mean, how they are defined, how they personally get in touch with your zodiac sign, and this is a great place where you can expand your understanding of this portion of astrology just a little bit more